European Parliament Multimedia Centre
Access live streams, recordings, photos and infographics of the European Parliament.
European Parliament News page
Access news, press briefings and live streams of the European Parliament.
European Parliament measures on transparency & ethics
Rules and measures adopted by the European Parliament to promote integrity, transparency and accountability of MEPs' political activities: access to documents, lobby groups, appropriate behaviour, expenditure of MEPs.
European Parliament Plenary
Find information about the plenary sessions of the European Parliament including: agendas; reports and resolutions tabled and adopted; tabling deadlines for amendments, motions, separate or split votes; voting lists and results; speakers' list, live streams and recordings of debates and votes.
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Access information on European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Economic Area (EEA). EFTA is the organisation set up to promote free trade and economic integration between the EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The EEA brings together EU Member States and three of the four EFTA members (Iceland, Liechtensteing and Norway) in the European single market, also called the Internal Market.
European Council Strategic Agenda 2024-2029
Policy priorities of the European Council for the 2024-2029 institutional cycle focusing on three pillars: a free and democratic Europe; a strong and secure Europe; a prosperous and competitive Europe
Political guidelines and priorities of the von der Leyen II Commission (2024-2029)
Political guidelines of the Commission for 2024-2029 presented by Ursula von der Leyen to the European Parliament in July 2024.
Hearings of the Commissioners-designate of the von der Leyen II Commission (2024-2029) - EP
European Parliament website of the 2019 hearings of the Commissioners-designate. Understand the process and access the recordings and documents for the hearing of each Commissioner, including the questions and answers, verbatim report and the final assessment of the Committees.
Hearings of the Commissioners-designate - EPRS
European Parliament Research Service website on the hearings of Commissioners-designate carried out by the EP before their investiture as part of its scrutiny powers. Find recordings and records of previous hearings, the planning of future hearings and an explanation of the procedure and role of the EP.
European Ombudsman
Independent and impartial non-judicial body that holds the EU institutions and agencies to account. File a complaint to report maladministration by an institution. Read the reports of the Ombudsman's proactive investigations on systemic issues.
Europe Elects: European Council tracker
Tracks the political affiliation of the members of the European Council over time.
Register of Commission Expert Groups
Register of groups advising the Commission for the preparation and implementation of legislation and policies, and of other consultative entities managed by the Commission.
Presidency of the Council 2024/H2 - Hungary
Access the Presidency programme, calendar of events and news of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
EU Agenda: How EU priorities are set
Short explanation & infographic setting out: (1) how the EU's long-term priorities are set at the start of the 5-yearly institutional cycle through the adoption of the European Council's Strategic Agenda and the Commission's Political Guidelines. (2) how these long-term priorities translate into the annual work programme of the Commission.
Commission services
Find essential information on Commission DGs and other services: organisational chart, strategic and management plans setting out main priorities and outputs, annual activity reports.