Access Info Europe
Access Info Europe promotes and protects the right of access to information in Europe. Access Info runs a range of projects designed to leverage the right to information in order to increase participation and accountability, to defend human rights, and to advance democracy. Access Info Europe runs the RTI Rating, which measures the strength of access to information laws globally, and the Legal Leaks Toolkit to support journalists.
Presidency of the Council 2025/H1 - Poland
Access the Presidency programme, calendar of events and news of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Access the resources of the knowledge sharing platform created by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) for development professionals around the world including: articles, projects and events by topic or country; Team Europe Initiative and Joint Programming tracker; communication products...
European Parliament Plenary
Find information about the plenary sessions of the European Parliament including: agendas; reports and resolutions tabled and adopted; tabling deadlines for amendments, motions, separate or split votes; voting lists and results; speakers' list, live streams and recordings of debates and votes.
Hearings of the Commissioners-designate of the von der Leyen II Commission (2024-2029) - EP
European Parliament website of the 2019 hearings of the Commissioners-designate. Understand the process and access the recordings and documents for the hearing of each Commissioner, including the questions and answers, verbatim report and the final assessment of the Committees.
Hearings of the Commissioners-designate - EPRS
European Parliament Research Service website on the hearings of Commissioners-designate carried out by the EP before their investiture as part of its scrutiny powers. Find recordings and records of previous hearings, the planning of future hearings and an explanation of the procedure and role of the EP.
European Ombudsman
Independent and impartial non-judicial body that holds the EU institutions and agencies to account. File a complaint to report maladministration by an institution. Read the reports of the Ombudsman's proactive investigations on systemic issues.
Presidency of the Council 2024/H2 - Hungary
Access the Presidency programme, calendar of events and news of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Presidency of the Council 2024/H1 - Belgium
Access the Presidency programme, calendar of events and news of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Council meeting calendar
Calendar of meetings of the Council and its preparatory bodies. Filter by Council configuration to access relevant meetings.
Register of Commission documents
Tentative agendas for forthcoming meetings and agendas & minutes of past meetings of the College of Commissioners. Proposals, impact assessments, communications, delegated and implementing acts and other Commission decisions.
Legislative Observatory
European Parliament's database for monitoring the EU decision-making process
Council document register
"Access documents of the Council of the EU and European Council that have been made public or request access: legislative documents, meeting documents (agendas, minutes, conclusions, votes, outcomes), press releases.”
Council preparatory bodies
Identify working parties and committees preparing decisions of Ministers, find information on their mandate, access the webpage of each preparatory body to track meetings and access documents.
IPEX - EU Interparliamentary Exchange Platform
Find opinions from national parliaments on proposed EU legislation, in particular with regards to the respect of the principle of subsidiarity. Also provides a calendar of interparliamentary conferences and meetings. See also the 'Subsidiarity control mechanism' tool in the Commission toolbox. See also REGPEX for information on the scrutiny of legislative proposals by the Committee of Regions.
European Agencies, Supervisory Authorities and Joint Undertakings
Access the websites of the EU's decentralised Agencies, European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) and Joint Undertakings (JUs) that comprise the EU Agencies Network (EUAN). Agencies implement EU policies in various policy areas, ESAs supervise the financial sector, JUs are public-private research partnerships.