Digital business as usual or total shake-up?

An EUChanger Network webinar on EU decision-making & influencing in the COVID-19 era took place on June 26 2020 . We presented the results of a survey on the impacts of the coronavirus crisis on EU decision-making and influencing carried out in June 2020. Advocates heard from EU insiders, shared challenges and successes of operating in the new context and confronted their vision of the future. Read about the survey below and download a presentation of the survey results here.

Help us understand how the Coronavirus crisis is impacting EU decision-making and influencing

The Coronavirus has upended our lives and our society. Huge challenges lie ahead on the road to recovery. Decisions taken today are likely to shape our economy, our rights as citizens and our way of living for decades to come. The impacts of these decisions on the environment, climate and inequality could be huge.

At EUChanger our goal is to support organisations working for a more inclusive and sustainable Europe. This is a crucial moment in all areas of EU policy: health, energy, transport, agriculture, trade, aid, fundamental rights... We believe re-balancing power in EU decision-making in favour of the public interest is more important than ever.

At the same time, we have far less visibility than usual on how decisions are made and how they are influenced. Trapped in video-conferencing bubbles with a narrowly framed and low-res view of the current EU scene, we may be missing out on the bigger picture as well as on important details.

Do you work for an EU institution, a Member State, civil society or a business seeking to influence EU decision-making? Or maybe you are following EU policy-making closely as a journalist or an academic? If the answer is yes, then we need your help to make sense of the current situation.

Through a short and completely anonymous survey we would like to hear your views on the impacts of the Coronavirus crisis. Is it business as usual, only digital? Or are you experiencing a shake-up with major changes? What are the implications for the future?

The results of the survey will be discussed during a webinar on 26 June and published on our website. During the webinar we will present the results of the survey and hear from an MEP and national attachés from Member State permanent representations on how they see advocacy in the current context. The webinar will also be an opportunity to share experiences about EU influencing during the current crisis and to discuss future challenges and opportunities.

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“The right know-hows for our strategic review” – Teodora Nguen, EurAc


‘Step behind the scenes of EU advocacy’ - Agata Meysner